Monday, August 12, 2013

Let's Reflect - August

 Our challenge from Anne is as follows:

I chose our word this week, based on that nice experience and the word is :


If you don’t know what it means, here are some synonyms : insignificant – unimportant.

To be happy and enjoy the moment, we sometimes need to let go of what we think we need to do but in fact is totally irrelevant at the current moment and choose to do something else, much more enjoyable.

I would like us to concentrate on the little ( or big ) things that annoy us and come between us and our happiness, the little things that we make so big but are in fact so small and we can forget so quickly.

This week, take a picture of all that you don’t do and leave for later and what you replaced it with.

Show us the dust you can write on, the car that really needs a body wash, the pile of ironing, the jungle developing in your garden . . . and in comparison the relaxing lunch, the playing with the kids, the afternoon spent crafting . . .

I started cleaning out some drawers last week (if you remember). Well, I made a mess but never finished what I was doing because I couldn't make up my mind what to do with the cards I wanted to keep. So, here is what I should have been doing, putting this pile of cards away somewhere.

But this is what I spent a good part of the day doing instead, playing around on the computer, especially since Monday is my least favorite day of the week.

We also have a side challenge to post a picture a day of something that corresponds with the first letter from the day of the week (M=Monday, T=Tuesday, etc.). I decided to take a picture of the meat I took out of the freezer to prepare for dinner tonight. I call it 'cubed steak', Thadd calls it 'chopped steak'.

I will fix it in a mushroom gravy (not as healthy as it could be) but mighty delicious.  When it is all said and done it will be my version of  'country fried steak and gravy'.

Everyone have a good evening. xxx


  1. That sounds like a lovely meal.

  2. I have the same problem when I try to sort my cards out. I end up putting them all back in the drawers lol. xxx

  3. yes its always a problem of where to put things :)
