Sunday, February 17, 2013

Internet problems

I am sorry I did not get to post more this week but we have been having some internet problems off and on all week. I did plan on typing some early today (Sunday), but it was down all day until now really. So, it's Monday! LOL

At this point I do not scrapbook but I do love looking at everyone's layouts. We do have a group here where I live but since I am still early into my retirement, I haven't been able to check into it. I have committed myself to do some things around the house first (like clean out my closet and dresser drawers) before I let myself really enjoy doing what I want. You know, work first, play later.

I have enjoyed reading everyone's blog on Impossible this past week. Thank you all for sharing and for your kind comments on my 'impossible' time. xxx


  1. Sorry to hear about the internet problems, not until we haven't got it that we realise how much we use it (well I do!!) Glad you are still happy in retirement. xx

  2. Internet problems are a pain as we have all become so dependent ! Good girl for cleaning the house, but don't forget you are retired now, you deserve time off to ! xx

  3. I like my slogan, play first then work :)

    Horrible being cut off isn't it:( xxx
