Thursday, January 16, 2014

Inside a cupboard

We call them cabinets instead of cupboards but here are a couple from my kitchen. One with wine glasses and the extra mugs we have not packed so we have something to drink our coffee/tea out of, one we keep food stuff in, and one with my spices I use for cooking.

We have way too many coffee mugs. I used to collect them from everywhere we went. LOL xxxx


  1. Snap we have too many mugs as well, I keep clearing them out but I am sure they self breed in there!!. xx

  2. My mother also had such a cupboard with many spices inside!
    These pictures have very nice mood. Thank you!

  3. We have too many cups too.. mind you my BIL used to have only 3, one for each of the family.. and I think that is more unusual!

  4. I agree much neater cupboards than me :)

  5. Snap too but my how neat they all are :)
