Saturday, August 2, 2014

Summer - Out and About - Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday

Here are my pictures for Thursday, colorful clothes. I like bright colors so most of my clothing (even my pajamas) are what some people would say are "loud"! LOL
Friday is all about sun and shade. We have lots of sun. It has been very hot here with high humidity so it can be pretty bad. Most days though, if you can find shade, there is a nice breeze. The top picture is of a bush shading the ground from the sun and the second picture is of the tile patio in back of the house with the shade starting to overtake the sunny part as the sun moves during the day. By late afternoon the patio is all in shade. But boy, when the sun is hitting it, do not walk out there barefooted or you will burn your feet!
Saturday we were to take a picture of children playing in the sun. I caught these kiddies playing at the edge of the water (we were in town). We don't see too many little ones out where we live.
Sunday the picture is to be of water. We have plenty of that here. I took this one when we were in town earlier this week because the water was just so pretty that day.

Hope everyone is well. Take care! xxxx


  1. Lovely photos again, Joy. I love the one of the children playing. We haven't seen the sun this week so I'm afraid I couldn't do sun and shade.

  2. Colourful clothes can be a great lifter! Great pics Joy x
