Friday, June 20, 2014

Reveals on Sunday

I will reveal what all of my pictures are on Sunday but I must say Karen has gotten the closest (if not outright guessed most of mine). I wish I had been as creative as some of you but in my defense, I am sort of limited here since we live here with minimal resources.

I have enjoyed looking at everyone's pictures though and I can't wait to see what everyone reveals on Sunday!

Take care and have a good weekend. I thought I would close with a picture of a variegated hibiscus I found in town town outside the Immigration Office and couple of pictures of the grandbabies. I sure do miss them! We are going back to the states for Christmas and I can't wait to give them lots of hugs and kisses! xxxxxx


  1. JoyJoy,
    You're an amasing lady!
    We all work hard to be here - in one internet connection.
    But you're doing great! job! I really like your photos and your blog.
    I love reading everything you write! The nostalgia is cruel...
    But look - we are one big village, isn't it!
    & HUGS

  2. Beautiful Hibicus and those darlings, can fully understand why you miss them so much. xx

  3. What a lovely hibiscus. Roll on Christmas
