Tuesday, September 24, 2013

September Friendship Challenge

Lynne's quote and challenge for us this week:

Love is Like a friendship caught on fire”   by Bruce Lee

What is important to you in a friendship?

Tell us this week about some friendships that have grown over the years.

About friends you have lost touch with and why?

During the week take photos of some things you have been doing or something that you found interesting.

A lot of the friends I have made over the years have become lost. For whatever reason, they stopped responding to my attempts to keep our friendship alive. I guess we all just get too busy in our own lives sometimes to afford time to others. Some of my friends have passed away which saddens me greatly. My oldest friend is Marylou. We have been friends since we were about seven years old. We haven't seen each other f or quite a long time but we stay in contact via email and Facebook. Our last attempt to get together ended in cancellation due to an illness. She lives several hours away but we are going to try to get together before the year is out.

I am Facebook friends with a lot of friends I had in high school even though we do not see each other or talk otherwise. I get to see pictures of their families and hear about their adventures. Facebook is very good for that.

My BFF is my hubby Thadd. We started out as friends, then dated for awhile, and now we will have been married 23 years in November. I can talk to him about anything. We are very much alike in some ways, yet very different in others. We argue very little and have the same sense of humor.

I will write more about friendships later.

As for what I have been up to this week, we went to my daughters for my SIL's birthday then we babysat so they could go out for a while. I took some new pictures of Henry and Spencer and thought I would share.

More later....take care. xxxx


  1. Wonderful post! Henry and Spencer are awesome boys!
    Thank you so much for sharing your memories and photos with us.
    / JoyJoy, thank you for your kind words on my blog. /
    have a nice day!

  2. When my first niece was born, I used to call her little Buddha. Spencer is a bit like her. He is a joy to look at with his big round cheeks. You are right, life gets busy and can get in the way, but I am really pleased we all manage to keep in touch from Lucky Snapping. My biggest joy would be we all manage to meet from our 4 different countries. Take care, xxx


  3. So true what you have written in your post we all move on and loose track of people due to one reason or another.

    I have to chuckle every time I see photos of Spencer he is just so cute and cheeky looking. xx

  4. I love the photos of your young family. I'm looking forward to seeing more.

  5. I too love seeing Spencer and Henry.

    How great that our friendship has grown out of chat forum before our cruise and then meeting up on the cruise :) Thank goodness for internet and FB eh!!
