Thursday, September 12, 2013

Challenge Continued

So, getting back to nicknames. I have always had a nickname for most of my grandsons. I call Zachary, my son's boy, Monkey Doodle. He was always hopping around so, he reminded me of a monkey. Now that he is older though, we usually call him Zachman! He looks like a little warrior in his karate gear. Here is a recent picture of him all decked out in his karate protective, fighting garb.

I call Henry Doodlebug. He is such a cute and entertaining little fellow that the name just stuck. He makes kissy faces and wrinkles his little nose up so you just want to grab him and give him big hugs and kisses. He really is a little ham at times. Spencer, well you have all seen plenty of pictures of him and you know what a chubby baby he is, so he is my Chunky Munkey!

Well, I am now the letter V. I couldn't think of anything that started with a V that would be interesting until I ran across this picture of Johnny Depp. I think that he is so 'VERY' good looking! We played a game once about who we would choose as our 'Hollywood husband' and he was my choice. So, what do you think?

For the letter 'N' I chose some pictures my friend took at the beach as night was falling. The one is a great picture of the moon.

Take care everyone. I am enjoying reading your posts about nicknames and seeing your pictures. xxx


  1. Johnny Depp ? Ohhhhh Yes. He is just irresistible with his bad boy look and his feminine sensitive side. If I were younger, I might have a poster of him in my bedroom, LOL. Take care, xxx

  2. Lovely nicknames and photos. Johnny Depp our Amanda is sooooo in love with him. He certainly is cute ;) xx

  3. Joy a great blog on Nicknames, Johnny Depp don't like him, not my cup of tea!! I prefer older men :)

  4. Ladies - you are incredibly nice interlocutors in this our challenge!
    This game - "Hollywood husband" must have been very interesting!
    Johnny Depp is really a very talented actor -with age he becomes more attractive -
    "The Tourist"(2010 film)with Angelina Jolie
    Thank you Joy for this post!

  5. Oh yes, I have loved Johnny Depp since I was a teenager and he would definitely be my Hollywood Husband. I had a large poster of him and it went to university with me and then to sea when I worked on a ship. Sadly it got damaged and my kids would think I had gone mad if I got one now! x
