Sunday, February 9, 2014

Saturday - My Blog Story

I started blogging just to get some of my thoughts out of my head. It seemed like I just had so much rattling around in there and no one to tell them to. I would spend many hours sitting with my mom just talking about everything under the sun. After she passed away, I just didn't seem to feel like talking that much anymore. I kept things bottled up, so I decided was going to start a journal but I didn't like writing by hand anymore (it was hard to read my scribble anyway). So I thought, ah I would start a blog.

I didn't really do it for anyone else to read necessarily, I just wanted it all out of my head! Then I found out that Lynne had a blog so I began to follow hers. It was also a way to stay in touch. Then I was invited to join in on one of them and here I am today! I have met so many interesting, nice people from all over since I joined. I enjoy it immensely. Thank you everyone for being my friends and reading my posts! It has meant so much to me!


  1. What a lovely blog post. I have missed blogging over the last year or so- and hope to keep up this year.

  2. aww, thats a lovely story, yes its good to keep in touch and what blogging means to everyone.
