Friday, October 25, 2013

October Quote Challenge

Our challenge this week is from Lynne and reads as such:

My quote for this week in October are 2 quotes on Laughter. I liked them both!
“A laugh is a smile that bursts” ~ Mary H Waldrip 1907- 1998
“ Remember you don’t stop laughing because you grow old,
  You grow old because you stop laughing” ~ Anon

It says “ we are passionate about laughing. It illuminates life. It is refreshes and invigorates us, enhancing our everyday world. Laughter is the icing on the fruitcake of our existence and too good to leave to chance. 

Can you remember the last time you had a good belly laugh?”

What makes you really laugh? Do you laugh as much now as you did when you were younger?

Show us some photos of what makes us laugh or you laughing, not just smiling.

Funny, I do remember the last time I had a good belly laugh. It was watching my grandson Zach at his karate lesson. I was taking a video of him and got so tickled and laughed so that I was jiggling my phone. For some reason I cannot get the video to play the right way on this blog. Sorry you can't see it for it is funny.

I don't think I laugh as much as I did when I was younger. I love to laugh but I don't think I have the same sense of humor as a lot of people. I have friends who watch all of these sitcoms on TV that I just don't think are funny at all. The only one I watch that makes me ever laugh is Big Bang Theory. A good funny movie will get me going as well (such as Old Dogs).

I saw a video from the Ellen Degeneres show that someone had put on Facebook that was hilarious. It was about two of her assistants that went to Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights. I am sure you can find it online if you want to see it.

My grandsons probably provide the best and most often reasons to laugh and smile. Their antics are so cute. Whereas Spencer is still young and doesn't get up to the same antics as the older ones, if he laughs it makes me laugh. Laughter is infectious!

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of me laughing. I am not photogenic and I do not like to have my picture taken. Never have. But these little guys give me all the reason in the world to smile and laugh.

 Everyone have a good weekend.  xxxxxx


  1. Like you Joy I don't find 99% of sitcoms on TV at all funny and don't watch them at all. Your little men always make me smile. xx

  2. Wow we are so alike, I really laugh out loud or giggle, though I frequently smile and many times just inwardly!!
    Thank you for doing my challnge, we are home now and I am playing catch up. thank you for your comments on FB xx
