Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let's Reflect Challenge - December

 Our challenge:

For this last month, we have once again something special because December is such a special month. December is a month of celebrations, be you religious or not, a month to spoil children a bit (or a lot), a month in which we might reflect and think about other people in the world who aren't as lucky as we are to have a roof on their head and food on their table, a month in which people try to forget their differences, a month in which we try and go that little extra mile to make our loves ones know how much we love them, spend a bit more money than we should, eat of bit more than we should.

December is all about sharing.  For some of us, December might be a bit more difficult, because of the loss of loved ones, but the biggest wish of these loved ones surely would be to be remembered but at the same time see us happy, so we should honor them by enjoying this beautiful time.

Our word for this week starts with a G, but it is in fact a group of
Go for it

May be you can take some pictures if you already started decorating your house, or bought a couple of presents, may be you just want to blog about what Christmas means to you, may be Christmas is specially a big deal for you this year, may be you will be celebrating Christmas on a different day in your country, whatever your situation, tell us your plans and share your excitement.
Christmas has never been quite the same for me since my Mom passed away. Some of the joy of the season died in me when her light was extinguished. She was the glue that held the family together. We all would gather because she was here. For a while after she passed we sort of went our separate ways and either went out of town for the holiday or spent it with the spouse's side of the family. It is getting better though since the grandchildren came along and a new tradition has started.

We now celebrate Christmas at my daughter Stacey's house. While my brother and his wife still continue to do their own thing and my son and family will not be able to come from Arkansas, my sister and her husband do come and will and join the festivities later in the day. Hubby and I will go over early on Christmas morning and Thadd will fix his special waffles for breakfast. Then  we watch Henry and Spencer open their gifts. Since Henry is going to be two, he is much more aware of all that is going on and participates quite eagerly. Spencer is still a little young but I know he will enjoy pulling off the gift wrap paper.

Then the preparation for our dinner will begin. Since we have turkey at Thanksgiving, we usually have ham at Christmas. I'm not sure what the menu is actually going to be since my procrastinating daughter hasn't thought it all out yet but it will come together in the end. This is one thing I like to plan ahead for. Oh well, not my worry anymore. : (

All of my shopping is done. The gifts are all wrapped (we probably spent too much but I do enjoy giving to others), and my Christmas cards are in the mail. Each year I usually donate a flock or two of chickens/geese/ducks to Heifer International in honor of people I would give gifts to at work. Since I am now retired, I used my money from my anniversary gift from Thadd to donate a whole sheep in honor of all of the grandchildren. They each will receive a card from Heifer thanking them and showing them what their gift will do to help others. I strongly believe in this organization and the kids think it is a fun way to give to others.

As you all have heard me mention, we are selling our house so we can move to Belize. Well, the day has come where we finally have the house on the market. So I guess you could say, "We are going to GO FOR IT"! We have St. Joseph planted upside down in the front yard and hope he works his miracle and our house sells quickly.

I also celebrated my birthday earlier this month. We went to my favorite German restaurant for a late lunch/early dinner. It was scrumptious! Then we went to my daughter's house for cake. Here are a couple of pictures and as you can see in one, I am "going for it" by blowing out my candles. My daughter did a wonderful job of making my cake. Not only was it delicious, but it was really pretty. She is getting very good at decorating.
These pictures were taken at the 'town square' where the restaurant was located.

And least but not last, here are a few new pictures of the grandbabies.

So for the rest of the year, we will kick back and enjoy what the holiday season has to offer. We are planning on taking a cruise the first week of January to completely unwind. We are looking forward to being spoiled for those seven days.

Everyone enjoy and have a very, Merry Christmas. I hope we all stay in touch and another yearly challenge will come along. I think most of us would participate again. Hugs and kisses to you all! I have loved getting to know all of you!     ooooxxxx


  1. What a lovely post Joy and such nice photos ! We surely will keep in touch next year. I hope you sell your house and can move to Belize soon. Merry Xmas to you and all your family. Anne xxx

  2. Wonderful post and great to catch up with all your news. Hope the house sells quickly for you and you find the place you want. Have said it a hundred times but will say it again, those boys are gorgeous. xxx

  3. So sorry I missed posting on your birthday Joy but last few weeks have been very busy, now all is calm belated Happy Birthday.

    Well done on getting the house on the market, hope it sells quick

    Christmas has to change for us 'oldies' and we are the folk that have to adapt to new family traditions :( We are going away next week so will have plenty to blog from 23- 27th (my quote week LOL!!

    Loved seeing your view of Henry photos, my has he changed in the year

    Email is coming next week with hopefully an e card, we decided not to buy and post many cards this year and gave to our local hospice charity instead. Well done with your sheep buying a brilliant idea xx

  4. Wishing you luck in selling the house, Joy. It looks like you are having a lovely Christmas and hope you have a great rest on your cruise.
    As ever, your little ones are beautiful
